Leone Roberti Maggiore U, Remorgida V, Sala P, Vellone VG, Biscaldi E, Ferrero S. Spontaneous uroperitoneum and preterm delivery in a patient with bladder endometriosis. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2015;22:923-4 https://www.jmig.org/article/S1553-4650(15)00076-X/fulltext
Evaluation of symptoms and methodology of the urodynamic study matter. J Minim Invasive Gynecol
Leone Roberti Maggiore U, Ferrero S, Salvatore S, Candiani M. Evaluation of symptoms and methodology of the urodynamic study matter. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2015;22:701-2. https://www.jmig.org/article/S1553-4650(15)00179-X/fulltext
Intestinal Endometriosis: Mimicker of Inflammatory Bowel Disease? Digestion
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Cardiovascular Safety of β3-adrenoceptor Agonists for the Treatment of Patients with Overactive Bladder Syndrome.
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Programmed intermittent epidural bolus versus continuous epidural infusion for pain relief during termination of pregnancy: a prospective, double-blind, randomized trial.
Leone Roberti Maggiore U, Silanos R, Carlevaro S, Gratarola A, Venturini PL, Ferrero S, Pelosi P. Programmed intermittent epidural bolus versus continuous epidural infusion for pain relief during termination of pregnancy: a prospective, double-blind, randomized trial. Int J Obstet Anesth 2016;25:37-44. https://www.obstetanesthesia.com/article/S0959-289X(15)00125-9/fulltext
IL-27 induces the expression of IDO and PD-L1 in human cancer cells.
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Acetate Before High Complexity Hysteroscopic Myomectomy: A Retrospective Comparative Study
Ferrero S, Racca A, Tafi E, Alessandri F, Venturini PL, Leone Roberti Maggiore U. Ulipristal Acetate Before High Complexity Hysteroscopic Myomectomy: A Retrospective Comparative Study. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2016;23:390-5. https://www.jmig.org/article/S1553-4650(15)01705-7/fulltext